Carlos Martinez Ripoll | Export Manager

E: cmartinez@tecalum.com| W: www.tecalum.com

T: +34 972 68 75 12 | M: +34 618 12 06 79


Fernando Durante | Commercial Area Manager

E: fdurante@tecalum.com| W: www.tecalum.com

T: +34 972 68 75 12 | M: +34 629 31 78 72


Josep Arolas | Comercial Area Manager

E: jarolas@tecalum.com| W: www.tecalum.com

T: +34 972 68 75 12 | M: +34 607 248 309


  • Tecalum

    Ctra. de Sales, 2 17853 Tortellà (Girona - Spain)

    972 68 72 63

    tecalum at tecalum dot com

    Monday to Thursday form 8:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm.
    Friday from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm