
Das Transportwesen ist ein sehr groβer Wirtschaftszweig und weist eine wachsende und strategische Wichtigkeit für die Industrie auf.

Tecalum has important clients in this market segment, as the lightweight qualities of  aluminum makes it an excellent material for the transport sector, its use results in lower fuel consumption  and as a result, less pollution.

Aluminum and related derivatives are found in body parts (buses / lorries), the railway sector (high-speed trains, trams and metro lines), the  automotive industry, nautical sector, motorcycles and electric vehicles.

  • Chassis.- chassis  and external parts for both buses and lorries. Decorative parts and interior fixtures.
  • Railways.- structures used in high-speed trains, wagon doors, interior tram projects, parts for seats, lighting, etc.
  • Automotive sector.- security parts, luggage-carrying equipment.
  • Nautical sector.- decorative parts, railings, etc
  • Railway installations.- overhead line supports.